
Why scrap your car in Oxford?

There’s a multitude of reasons you may want to scrap your old car in Oxford. Most often, the car has simply failed its MOT and the cost to repair it is greater than the value of the car, rendering it worthless. If your car has been in an accident this can be another reason. Other times, something can go wrong with a car whilst the owner is already considering a new vehicle. Because, just diagnosing a fault in a car can be expensive, you may consider simply scrapping the car instead.

For a few people in Oxford the government’s car scrappage scheme provides an extra incentive to scrap their car. Should your old car meet the strict rules laid out by the government, you may be eligible for a £2,000 discount of the OTR price of a new car when you scrap your old one.

The most pressing need to scrap your car in Oxford probably stems from the fact that any car must be taxed unless it is declared off road. This is true even if the car is broken and not in use. In order to avoid paying extra road tax it is best to scrap a broken car at the first opportunity. When you scrap a car that still has time left on its tax disk you can claim back the road tax for the time remaining.

Scrapping an old car is also good for the environment. Newer cars are far more fuel efficient than older ones, meaning that they produce much smaller amounts of greenhouse gases. Scrapping an old inefficient car in favour of a new one allows you to reduce your carbon footprint. At Scrap Car Oxford we always recycle or reuse and much of a scrap car as we possibly can, in order to maximise the benefit to the environment.